Sunday, March 18, 2012

Morocco Photos--Parts 2-4

part two.
The following photos were taken by our good friend Liz.
Liz arrived in Germany the same day we did 
and we've been friends ever since.
We love her dearly!

part three.
this next section of photos were taken by Kristan.
Kristan also arrived the same day as us 
and is not only our friend but also our roommate.

part four.
this final section of photographs was taken by our friend Kelsey.
Mallory and Kelsey actually used to work together in Seattle
but Kelsey quit because she was moving. It wasn't until
we arrived in Garmisch that Mallory realized she had moved to Germany.
Small world!!!

I hope you all enjoyed this excess of pictures!
Once I get everything uploaded to photobucket I will post the URL
so that you can check out all of them
should you feel so inclined. 
Also, if you are interested I highly recommend reading
this blog post. It was written by a guy that we work with that went to Morocco
a little while after us. There's a lot of profanity but he does a really great job capturing the culture and experience of Morocco.
You can also check out Liz's blog post here.

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