Friday, August 10, 2012

shame, shame

I'm wretched.
A thoroughly despicable human being.
I've been absent on here for so long
for too long
and not for lack of travel plans
or days filled with boring nothingness
I've been absent because of laziness
a temperamental laptop
and stress
an abundance of stress that
{until recently}
I've been holding captive within myself
sharing bits and pieces of it with the closest of close friends and family
  in the time that's passed since my last post
several things have taken place

{changed jobs in hotel}
{parents came to visit}
{traveled to Florence, Chianti Valley and Crete}
{dear friend came to visit}
{traveled to Dresden}
{rapidly lost interest in new job}
{gave notice due to unexpected changes in personal life}

tomorrow I take a train to Frankfurt where I'll spend the night
before I {attempt to} fly home Sunday morning.

sometimes life changes unexpectedly, when we're least prepared
    and there's beauty in that.
though overdue,
I have every intention of posting pictures from these past months,
and with any luck, I'll continue to travel and adventure
and share the photos with you joyfully
but if I disappear for awhile, you can find me over here,
where you can read about an entirely different adventure I'm embarking on.

Auf Wiedersehn (for now)

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